torsdag den 11. februar 2016

Mine: Confusing shoe sizes and learning japanese

Yesterday I had my first lesson in japanese! Yay! Finally, through the charity of my BFF (and cosplay partner) I have started a beginner's course in japanese. I am very excited to finally be learning japanese as I have been interested in japanese culture for over ten years now, and I don't think you'll ever be able to understand a culture fully withut learning the language. It was a fun introduction lesson where we were taught to say our name and write it in katakana, I am looking forward to the next lesson in two weeks (next week is cancelled because of 'winter vacation').

Besides learning nihongo I have been prepping Mine's shoes for fabric. The seller I bought them of off Ebay didn't clarify which shoe size chart she used, so they ended up being way too small for my big feet. But after a couple of cuts and a lot of tape, they are ready for fabric to be glued on. Unfortunately I spent all of my money on Electabuzz this month, so I will not be able to buy the fabric until March *Sits in a corner and cries*.

My BFF have finished the skirt for Mine for me - we only got half of it done last time - and when I get pictures of it I will share them with you. Next Wednesday I am planning on starting on the Electabuzz mock suit so I'll have som pictures around then. The other thing I'll be doing this month is the foam for the head of Electabuzz, I plan on having some pictures ready on sunday.
Until then - have fun!

- Miliyia

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