fredag den 25. marts 2016

Costumes done and worn!

Hey guys... I know it's been a week since I went to J-popcon, but things have been crazy. I finished both my costumes thursdag night a bit after twelve - and thus got around 6 hours of sleep. Which was way more than I expected :) The con was great, and I hope, at some point next week to write a full review on it. This post will be about my costumes and my thoughts about them. One of the main reasons this is late is because my laptop was attacked by Coca Cola and the keyboard has stopped working... Yeah, that sucks...

Mine was my cosplay on friday. This picture was taken 5 minutes after I arrived with full on stress so forgive me for the pose. The other was taken with a phone. I do realise I look a bit chubby in these pictures - but I swear I'm not in real life ;-) 
Overall I am happy with what I made in such a short time. The wig styling was pretty easy and took about 10 minutes, and the hair piece is just glued on. The white belt was fitted with velcro and the fur was hot glued to the bow. The shoes I made after several tries and they turned out okay.
Things I want to remake: The shoes were far too small and the fabric was too thick and stiff - and also, they broke, so I will need to remake them.
The white belt kept falling off because of the quality of the velcro, so that needs to be fixed.
I need to do some more details on the shirt
In consideration of the leggings I will have to figure out what to do, as I am not happy with how they turned out, but I am out of ideas.

Other than that I am happy with the costume - the next step is to actually learn to pose and get some pictures taken by a good photographer with a proper camera. If I decide to go to Genki-con this July I will wear Mine again, but I am still undecided - more about this in my upcoming review of J-popcon.

I wore Electabuzz saturday. Again, I am really not this fat in real life ;-) I decided not to wear a wig and no contacts. This was mainly because I had neither time nor inspiration for a wig and I had no time to buy contacts. My favourite part of this costume is most certainly my tail. I just love how big and fluffy it is. 
The tail is attached with a belt, which is put through holes in the back of the dress. I had to have it on really tight as the tail is quite heavy - but it was worth it. I decided not to have my hand light up with a 'thunder punch' as I didn't have time to sew a pocket for the battery pack. 
I don't know if you can see it on the picture but one foot is larger than the other. I really loved this cosplay and I think it is the perfect combination of cute and accurate for a Gijinka. I also tried the dress without the tulle underneath and it looked really cute but naturally lost the width of Electabuzz. 
Things I want to remake: I want to fix the back of the dress as it keeps sliding down and distorting the look.
I might change the shoes so they are more alike, if I find a method where I don't have to start completely over. 
I had made som earrings out of oven baked clay but I forgot them x(  - an easy one to correct. 

I am sorry for not having more or better pictures - but the one single thing I am really bad at is posing and finding photographers. I will try to do better the next time. 

As mentioned I plan on writing a post about the convention as a whole - this will propably include my thoughts about participating at Genki this summer. 
Until then - Have fun.

- Miliyia

onsdag den 16. marts 2016

Progress - getting ready to finish

Hello everyone. These last weeks have been weird for me. I haven't really been sick, nor heallthy so I have unfortunately been lacking in motivation and energy. But I have made some progress. I am getting ready to finish both of my costumes these days and I just need to endure!

 As you can see I have begun the headband for my Electabuzz-Gijinka, and I hope to finish it today or tomorrow. I have fastened two cheap knitting rods with some wire and a lot of hot glue, and now I need the spheres at the end and a second cover of fur. I have also been making the tulle undercoat for the gijinka-dress but I haven't got any pictures yet unfortunately.

This was my progress on the headpiece of Mine. It is made with self-adhesive craft foam and some regular glue. I think it turned out quite well in the end.

I am sorry for the short post, but I will head back to finishing the costumes and taking more pictures. See you soon.

- Miliyia

mandag den 7. marts 2016

Decisions and failure

Hello everyone.

Yesterday I had to make a hard decision. Since I am still sick, and only might recover before the con, I have decided to postpone my big Electabuzz fursuit :'( I am doing this because there is no way I can finish it before the con when I also have Mine and Electabuzz-gijinka to make and I'd rather have 2 great costumes than 3 mediocre. I will hopefully attend Genki-con in July with the full Electabuzz-suit and I am looking forward to this.
I have started working on the tights of Mine and her shirt, but the sickness is delaying me, but pictures and progress should be up in the next couple of days :)

I just wanted to update you all on this. I'll se you in a few days. Have fun.

- Miliyia

tirsdag den 1. marts 2016

Delay! God damn you health!

Hey everyone.

I know that I promised a new entry far earlier than this, but unfortunately I've been busy trying to cough my lungs out - not recommendable ;-) Just as I thought my body had fought the sickness I woke up yesterday with a sore throat - whch I hadn't had earlier and a different coughthan the last couple pf weeks . *Sigh*. I am sorry that you have had to wait this long, but I haven't really been able to think or work on my costumes. This leaves me with a lot of stress and not a whole lot of energy.
But I will try my best over the next weeks to update you as there will be a lot of progress (because 'm behind on everything) and I will be working my ass off.

I am in the middle of furring the feet of Electabuzz so pictures are soon to come. But some weeks ago my friend and I started the mock suit for Electabuzz, which I will try and finish this weekend. I have a few pictures from making the DTD of the feet, but I don't know yet whether or not I will actually be using it.

 So again I am sorry for not posting and that this post is short and pretty uneventful. But I will try my best to do a lot this week and to get a lot of pictures of it. Wish me luck.

- Miliyia

Ps. If this entry seems a little incoherent or off, it is because I still have a massive headache form coughing so much >.<