onsdag den 16. marts 2016

Progress - getting ready to finish

Hello everyone. These last weeks have been weird for me. I haven't really been sick, nor heallthy so I have unfortunately been lacking in motivation and energy. But I have made some progress. I am getting ready to finish both of my costumes these days and I just need to endure!

 As you can see I have begun the headband for my Electabuzz-Gijinka, and I hope to finish it today or tomorrow. I have fastened two cheap knitting rods with some wire and a lot of hot glue, and now I need the spheres at the end and a second cover of fur. I have also been making the tulle undercoat for the gijinka-dress but I haven't got any pictures yet unfortunately.

This was my progress on the headpiece of Mine. It is made with self-adhesive craft foam and some regular glue. I think it turned out quite well in the end.

I am sorry for the short post, but I will head back to finishing the costumes and taking more pictures. See you soon.

- Miliyia

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