Heya everyone!
As you might remember I had opted out of going to Genki-con this year because of finances and unstable social relations. But late thursday evening my brother called me and said he and his girlfriend wanting me to go with them to Genki on friday. Of course I went and I had a great time. I had a great time with a bunchof friends.
I did not cosplay as I am repairing a lot of costumes at the moment and none were ready to put on with such short notice.
I did wear my '1 up outfit (Green Mushroom from Mario)' of which I have no pictures :'( but basically it is a large 1up 'shroom hat a 1 up t-shirt and a 1 up backpack. I will try and get some pictures the next time I wear it.
That's enough blabbering... Progress-wise I am still trying to finish my mock-up for the miraluka, but as I had an exam to study for, I didn't get much done in July. But as of now I am taking a break from studying so I hope I will be able to create a lot faster now. Fingers crossed!
Just a small update - if anyone wants a more detailed review of Genki, ask me and I will write a post on Genki as this was my 3rd or 4th year attending :)
- Miliyia
torsdag den 28. juli 2016
fredag den 1. juli 2016
A cosplay identity crisis?
Hey guys.
I know that I haven't posted much since my last convention in March and there is a reason for this. After the convention and what happened there (I will explain later in the text) I haven't really been feeling like cosplaying, working on costumes, or planning new ones.Cosplay in general has just been filled with a lot of mixed feelings for me. On top of that, I have finished my last year of my bachelor's degree so I've been busy with school as well. I hope you can understand and forgive me.
Well then.. What happened at J-popcon?
Overall I had a wonderfull time as I always have, and I went to a lot of amazing events and saw a lot of amazing people. But in my little group of cosplay friends, emotions were stirring. It all escalated Saturday night, and the group was split into two, me and some friends and then my cosplay-partner and her boyfriend.
Without gossiping too much and without betraying my cosplay partner, I can say that she made the decision to attend cons later this year, with neither me nor anyone from the group as company.
This has left me with some mixed feelings
On one hand it does not bother me. I have a lot of people to meet up with at conventions, and I had started making my costumes alone anyway.
On the other hand, this takes off a lot of my motivation for going to the second big con I usually go to - Genki con, as travel time is more than an hour each way every day. This wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the people you generally meet on the train. There is, in my experience, a lot of harassment and enduring the ride can sometimes be difficult, even with a group of friends. So travelling can really ruin the whole day (or costume!!).
All this is something I have been thinking a lot about for the last few months, and my identity as a cosplayer has been a theme in my thoughts throughout. I have been considering if it was time for me to let go of this expensive hobby or if I should continue alone and see where it takes me?
I have decided to continue cosplaying - Yeah cosplay is expensive and who hasn't been living off of oatmeal a whole month because of a new supply of materials? ;-) But it is so worth it when I enjoy every minute of sewing, fabricating, showing off the costume and meeting new friends!
I am still dealing a bit with this, and have ultimately decided to skip genki this year - I would have gone alone, but money is low this month, and I'd rather focus on Copenhagen Comic Con this September as it is 5 minutes from where I live and I already have a ticket,
I am still in the progress of making my Weiss cosplay and I expect it to progress a lot faster this month. I will also be making my personal Star wars: TOR character for Comic Con.
I hope this has given you some insight as to why I haven't been posting lately and what can happen in the mind of a cosplayer, when motivation is suddenly on demand.
Best regards
- Miliyia
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