torsdag den 28. juli 2016

I went to Genki... Kinda ;)

Heya everyone!

As you might remember I had opted out of going to Genki-con this year because of finances and unstable social relations. But late thursday evening my brother called me and said he and his girlfriend wanting me to go with them to Genki on friday. Of course I went and I had a great time. I had a great time with a bunchof friends.
I did not cosplay as I am repairing a lot of costumes at the moment and none were ready to put on with such short notice.
I did wear my '1 up outfit (Green Mushroom from Mario)' of which I have no pictures :'( but basically it is a large 1up 'shroom hat a 1 up t-shirt and a 1 up backpack. I will try and get some pictures the next time I wear it.

That's enough blabbering... Progress-wise I am still trying to finish my mock-up for the miraluka, but as I had an exam to study for, I didn't get much done in July. But as of now I am taking a break from studying so I hope I will be able to create a lot faster now. Fingers crossed!

Just a small update - if anyone wants a more detailed review of Genki, ask me and I will write a post on Genki as this was my 3rd or 4th year attending :)

- Miliyia

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