fredag den 3. marts 2017

Weiss: Dyeing fabric!

Hi everyone!

This is a short walk through of how I dyed the fabric for Weiss’ clothes. There are no progress pictures as this was my first time dyeing anything and I needed to focus and be careful.

Let’s jump right in!

The dress and the jacket have a soft ombré from blue to white, so I had to hand dye the fabric. I started by making the whole dress, cutting out the basic form of the sleeves and the front and back of the jacket. I sewed the front and back of the jacket together as they had to be dyed as one piece. I also quickly cut out some lengths of cotton for her sash
I bought a can of ‘Evening Blue’ liquid Rit Dye. For the dye bath, I used about 4 L of water and 1-1.5 caps of dye. Otherwise I followed the directions on Rit’s webpage.
I ended up dyeing the dress twice as it was too light the first time. After the second time dyeing I found some blue stains which I later removed with chlorine.
After dyeing everything this is how it looks.

I am happy with the result and will soon be embroidering the details on the sleeves and the back of the jacket.
I am sorry that this update is so short, but I’ve been really sick lately and this is all I can currently manage.

If you want to know more about the progress, write it in the comments and I'll do a more thorough post.

- Miliyia


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